رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ

"Wahai Tuhan kami, kami telah menganiaya diri kami sendiri, dan kalau Engkau tidak mengampunkan kami dan memberi rahmat kepada kami, nescaya menjadilah kami dari orang-orang yang rugi- al A'raf ayat 23.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

TootH crowning..!!!

sementelah xde mud langsung nk study.. padahal esknye sy ada sesi soal jawab dgn Dr Fuad utk subjek anatomy.. byk lg xigt sbnrnye.. hehe.. sbr je la.. xbrape mnt la neuroanatomy ni.. adeih..

meh sy cite pengalaman sy wat tooth crowning yg menyeksakan..

ceritanya bermula mcm ni.. mula2 appointment ngan Dr. amru orthodontist tu.. he gave me a very painful and big ulcer.. huhu.. nk nanges ase.. skit sgt..

2nd appointment.. br btul2 wat tooth crowning.. die bg anaesthesia.. abeh bengkak bibir ats.. isk3..waaa malu.. pastu sme ahli bait igt sy saje2 nk tutup.. wawa..ni la balasan org ske berahsia.. sbnrnye.. ni keasn ubat bius tu la.. utk menghilangkan sakit ms die nk kikis gigi tu..(pgl ape pn xtaw la.. blh tnye dr. julu) so.. ms proses preparation gigi tu.. xrasa pape.. cuma ngilu sbb bunyi jek.. tp xrasa pape.. prasan sakit.. hehe..
tp.. sbnrnye byk sgt pendarahan.. lepas sme siap.. sy disuruh berkumur dgn air garam lepas sejam.. dgn bibir yg bengkak dan gusi yg berdarah.. seksanya.. wahai dr2 gigi.. berhati2 yea besok2.. wat leklok kt patients.. sian sy..

lepas 3 jam.. br la bengkak tu ilang.. huhu.. br nmpk lawa sket.. huhu ^_^
on da way blk umh tue.. mulut asik tutup jea.. malu sbb bengkak sgt.. huhu.. dlm rumah tu n mcm tu lg.. ngeh3

tu la pengalaman tooth crowning sy..

more info about tooth crowning as below:

Jom tgk apa itu tooth crowning:

A crown is a restoration that covers a tooth to restore it to its normal shape and size. Crowns may be made from porcelain, metal or porcelain fused to metal. It can protect a weakened or compromised tooth and/or improve your appearance.

A bridge replaces missing teeth by crowning the teeth adjacent to missing teeth.

When do you need a crown?

* Broken/ fractured tooth.
* Badly decayed tooth.
* Large filling on tooth.
* Discoloured tooth.
* Cracked tooth.
* Crooked teeth.
* Root filled tooth, if necessary.
* To cover a dental implant.

Why do you need a bridge?

A bridge is needed to replace missing teeth with a fixed device.

Why do missing teeth need to be replaced?

Missing teeth need to be replaced to:

* Prevent drifting of neighbouring teeth.
* Improve appearance.
* Improve speech.
* Improve chewing ability.

How is a crown / bridge made?

Usually two appointments are needed.

* First appointment:
o Preparation of the tooth / teeth for a crown(s) by grinding the tooth / teeth and impression taking.
* Second appointment:
o Try-in and cementing the crown / bridge.

Care for crown and bridge

# Maintain good oral hygiene.
# Avoid hard food.
# Avoid biting your nails or other hard objects

p/s: pssstt...thread ni dh ade ke?hehe..sesape tlg ler crikan yer..kalu2 dh ade..tQ.


  1. Salam..

    Buat kat mesir ke??saya buat kat Malaysia xkena bius pun..hehehe..tp rasa ngilu sgt..tp lepas buat tu makin xboleh makan benda sejuk..ngilu sgt..takut nak buat kat sana..diorg kasar..hehehe..

  2. salam...

    kalau pakai crown nieh, time x-ray2 kena buang kan? dan kos membuat crown nie dikira mcm mana? thanks :)

