Bagaimana seorang manusia itu baru terasa besarnya nikmat kesihatan yang ALLAH berikan setelah hilangnya nikmat itu seketika, ketika sakit, waktu itulah kita rasa ingin mengisi masa lapang dengan bekerja banyak perkara ingin dilakukan di dalam kepala ketika itulah kita berfikir ingin melakukan Ibadah sesempurna yang mungkin, dan ketika kita terbaring, waktu itulah juga kita rasa sangat bersyukur apabila makanan yang dihidangkan kita rasa berselera untuk menjamahnya.
Itulah manusia, apabila kehilangan sesuatu baru tersedar dari lamunan, apabila kesempitan masa baru teruja ingin berusaha gigih, begitulah adat dan fitrah kebanyakkan manusia.
Teringat pesanan Rasulullah S.A.W :-
"Rebutlah lima sebelum lima, muda sebelum tua, sihat sebelum sakit, kaya sebelum miskin, lapang sebelum sempit dan hidup sebelum mati"
Dan, kerapkali kita membaca Surah Al-A'asr usai sesebuah majlis, bagaimana ALLAH bersumpah dengan masa, dan sangat rugilah orang yang lalai dengan masa dan kehidupannya.
وَالْعَصْرِ إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ
sungguh, nikmat kesihatan itu sangat indah dan bermakna. sekali ditarik, barulah sedar betapa kita terlalu banyak mendapat nikmat dari Allah. haa inilah hikmahnya.. insyaAllah.
sepanjang keberadaan saya di kaherah, memang banyak dugaan yang terpaksa dilalui selain bahang kepanasan bumi anbiya' sekarang dan juga sikap2 orang arab mesir yang kasar dan semakin gatal serta baran pada musim panas ini.memang kena banyak belajar bersabar dan senyum2 selalu.. ^_^. nikmat kesihatan sudah ditarik Allah buat sementara waktu dari saya, bermula dengan demam+selsema+batuk.. dan last skali sy digigit oleh baroris!!! ape tu?? lets check it out..
skin disease
Body Lice
(pediculus humanus corporis)
Definition & Overview: Body lice are small, parasitic insects that live on the body and in the clothing and bedding of those who are infested. Body lice feed off small amounts of blood that is sucked which can cause itching, irritation and infection. In the United States, body lice are common and most prevalent in homeless people and transients who may not have regular access to laundry equipment, showers or changes of clean clothes.
Body lice are similar, but not the same as head lice, pediculosis capitis, and pubic lice, phthirus pubis.
Causes: Body lice live mostly in the clothing and feed off their hosts once or twice a day. Infestations of body lice spread easily in crowded conditions where hygeine is poor. "Body lice are frequently seen among the homeless and others living in overcrowded conditions, where clothes are not washed often and where overall cleanliness is lacking." (1) According to IntelliHealth, female lice glue their eggs onto infected clothing. The victim's body heat allows these eggs to hatch in about a week. A female louse (one lice) can lay 10 eggs a day and 300 or more eggs in her adult life. |
Once hatched, the nymphs (young lice) can grow to adult stage within 9 days. Once they reach adulthood, the females will become reproductive and the infestation can exponentially worsen. (2)
Symptoms: Symptoms of body lice are obvious as intense itching, rashes, and red welts on the skin. A long and severe infestation can lead to a general darkening and thickening of the skin. If left untreated, scratching can lead to bacterial infection. (2)
Symptoms of body lice also include infestations in one's clothing and bedding.
Disease Warning: According to the Centers for Disease Control, body lice can spread diseases such typhus, trench fever, and louse-borne relapsing fever. If it gets out of control, body lice can be responsible for epidemics.
"Though typhus is no longer widespread, epidemics still occur during times of war, civil unrest, natural disasters, in refugee camps, and prisons where people live crowded together in unsanitary conditions. Typhus still exists in places where climate, chronic poverty, and social customs prevent regular changes and laundering of clothing." (3)
Diagnosis: A diagnosis of body lice can be made if the patient is subject to poor hygeine, lack of laundry facilities and skin itching and irritation with lice eggs, called nits, and lice themselves being present on the body and body hair, as well as in the clothing of the individual. Nits, nymphs and adult lice are yellow, tan and brown in color, smaller then a sesame seed and have six legs.
Treatment: Body lice are easily treated with improved hygeine practices. Patients should take a hot shower and have a clean change of clothes. Infected clothing should be discarded or burned. If this is not an option, body lice in clothing and bedding can be killed if laundered in strong soap and hot water with temperatures exceeding 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Medicated shampoos for head lice can be used on the body, but only with caution and should not be applied to sensitive areas such as the face, genital area, and anus. Medications should be applied according to the directions on the bottle or advice of a physican. Delousing agents (a type of pesticide) may be required for patients with excessive body hair.
beberapa hari lepas, saya dimarahi sebab mandi 2x sehari pada musim panas ni, alasannya takut sakit urat. hmmm tp sy berdegil sampai demam saya dipersalahkan akibat mandi?? wallahualam. semua tu dari Allah. dugaan dan ujian yang datang dari Allah kadang-kadang buat kita lebih banyak berfikir dan bersyukur.. insyaAllah akan cuba bersabar dengan ujian kcil ini..seluruh kaki dan tangan saya habis gatal-gatal dan merah2 even di pipi pn ade dek gigitan kutu badan(pediculus humanus humanus/ pediculus humanus corporis atau dalam bhs arabnya baroris!!). penuh.. semua orang takut tengok tangan n kaki saya.. hehehe...
semua ni rasanya berpunca dari lihaf(selimut tebal yg menjadi pelapik tidur saya di lantai. sebab kalau kebersihan diri, saya memang mandi 2x sehari paling kurang dan baju saya dibasuh setiap hari. betapa banyaknya ubat dah saya beli antaranya loratidine 10mg yg langsung xmenjadi sebagai long acting antihistamines. pastu saya beli fexofenadine hydrochloride 120mg. saya rasa sy makan overdose. isk3..
kalau ubat sapu pulak saya dah beli calamyl dan fenistil gel.. alhamdulillah penggunaan festinil gel agak memberansangkan.. semoga semua nya sembuh sebelum sy balik msia.. doakan saya.. so sape2 kena baroris boleh try fenistil gel nih.. dan yang pastinya saya akan sembuh sepenuhnya bila dah sampai malaysia nanti.. ^_^ Biiznillah
smlam saya takut nk tido.. takut kena gigit lagi dek flea ni.. +_+ nk balik malaysia secepat mungkin lah..
sedikit info tentang festinil gel:
Drug name: Fenistil
Other names used:
- Foristal®
- Neostil®
Active Ingredients:
- Dimethindene
Therapeutic actions: Fenistil is an antihistamine anti-allergic and antipruritic remedy. Fenistil works by blocking H1-histamine receptors and thereby lowers the increased permeability of the capillaries and itching associated with histamine effects. When is applied on the skin Fenistil gel relieves itching and irritation caused by skin-allergic reactions. Fenistil also possesses the excessive local anesthetic effect.
Fenistil also exerts anti-kinin and moderate anticholinergic action. Maximal effect of Fenistil gel occurs in 1-4 hours. The gel is colourless, almost pellucid and its usage is accompanied by a pleasant cooling effect.
Indications: Fenistil gel is most frequently used to treat
- Sunburns
- Itching
- Nettle rash
- Insect bites
- Mild burns.
It can be used after contact with toxic plants, jellyfish, etc. It is also useful in treating allergic reactions to metal (cheap jewels, metal buttons) or exotic foods (tropic fruits).
Fenistil not only protects against allergic reaction, but also reduces the urge to scratch the affected area excessively. This is important because scratching can cause secondary infection, and if continued could turn a simple insect bite into a much more serious problem. It its important to note that Fenistil gel helps not only adults, but also small children aged 6 months and older.
Fenistil solution is used to treat allergic reactions(hives, Quenke's edema, hey fever, allergic rhinitis) and allergic reactions to drugs and foods. Fenistil solution is also indicated to relieve itching in eczema, dermatosis, rubeola, roseola
Contraindications and cautions:Fenistil should not be used in:
- Hypersensitivity to Dimethindene maleate
- Postnatal period
- Narrow-angle glaucoma
Fenistil should be used with caution after the consultation with your doctor in bronchial asthma, pregnancy (I term), the period of lactation, urinary bladder diseases.
In children till 1 years of age Fenistil solution should be used under the doctor'ssupervision.
Adverse effects: There are possible side-effects associated with this medicine that can affect individuals in different ways. If a side effect is stated here, that does not necessarily mean the fact that all people using Fenistil will experience it or any other. The most common side effects include:
- Sleepiness (especially at the beginning of treatment);
- Vertigo
- Excitation
- Headache,
- Nausea,
- Dry mouth,
- Edemas,
- Skin rash,
- Muscle spasms,
- Disturbance of external respiration.
- Local - allergic reactions, burning, dryness.
The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer. For more information about any other possible risks associated with Fenistil, please read the information provided with Fenistil or consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Interactions: It is important to tell your doctor or pharmacist what medicines you are already taking, including those bought without a prescription and herbal medicines, before you start treatment with Fenistil. Similarly, check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medication while taking this one, to ensure that the combination is safe.
Fenistil enhances the action of anxiolitics, soporifics. With the simultaneous use of ethanol - retarding reaction rate is observed. Tricyclic antidepressants, anticholinergic drugs in combination with Fenistil increase the risk of high intraocular pressure. MAO inhibitors enhance the anticholinergic and CNS suppressing action caused by Fenistil.
Additional Information: DO NOT SHARE Fenistil with others. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS PRODUCT, as well as syringes and needles, if needed during treatment, out of the reach of children. Do not reuse needles, syringes, or other materials.
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